Thanks for visiting our website! We are pleased that you have found us and find our articles interesting!We have a team of dedicated writers, covering off many different topics, in hopes of providing interesting, valuable information and insight.While we are very interested in DIY projects, we have many interests, in many different topics.Please check back often to see what we have added! Thank you for your support!
Bookkeepers are Road Maps for Businesses

If you are interested in the history of Bookkeeping, you are going to go on a journey way back, to ancient times. As soon as people began to do trade with one another, there was a necessity to start recording the transactions made between parties. Of course, Bookkeeping has advanced significantly since that starting point. But the premise of maintaining accounts or ledgers has been around for centuries.Not only are accounts and ledgers required to track amounts owed to one party, they also are needed to track what one owes to other parties. Today we know this as receivables and payables.We also need to use Bookkeeping to track the health of our finances and that of our companies that we operate. We need to understand how much something may cost us to produce, so that we can determine what to sell that same item for. We never want to be in a position that it is costing us more to manufacture or produce items than what we can recoup when we sell it. That is simply a quick route to financial difficulties.Understanding the fundamentals of what your costs are (expenses) and what you’re bringing in from customers (sales), will help you understand what funds are actually left over (revenue). A Bookkeeper will understand how to track all of this so that you can get a clear picture of areas that may need adjustment.An Income Statement, or Profit and Loss Statement will give you a very clear picture of the performance of your finances or business. Think of this similar to a review of one’s household budget after a month. You know what funds you have received. Now you will review your outflow or expenses paid. The difference between the two amounts will be what you have saved or retained. For a business, an Income Statement goes more into detail than a simple budget recap you may use for running a household. It will break down various items so that you can get a more inclusive view of the operation of the business.This includes different revenue sources, such as different types sales, investment interest and income, and other income sources. Imagine you have a flower shop. You will have income from the sale of the flowers, maybe planters, silk flowers, and the funds collected for the delivery charged. Any type of revenue can be broken down to specific categories so that they can be recorded individually on a ledger account. This will really give you insight as to what items are selling well and what items may not be.To make this even more meaningful, the expenses related to the different activities of generating income can also be categorized in separate ledger accounts. Using the example of a flower shop, an owner will have different kinds of expenses. There are expenses that relate directly to fresh flowers. And there are expenses related to the purchase of silk flowers or planters for resale. Also, there will be expenses associated with the delivery of flowers.When you can identify specific expenses that relate to specific revenue, you can fully dig down and determine where you are most profitable and where you may not be. For example, a flower shop will most likely have the highest volume of sales from the purchase of fresh flowers. The florist will have a supplier of fresh flowers that they order from. The difference between the cost of the flowers and the amount of revenue that can be generated by flower sales can change due to any fluctuation in the suppliers pricing. If the supplier has raised the cost of roses, as an example, the flower shop may need to adjust their selling prices as well. This is necessary to maintain the desired profit margin on that item.Other things can also cause fluctuation on your revenue. We cannot forget operating expenses also affect your bottom line or net revenue as well. If you have a rent increase on the office space you are renting, this is going to affect your net income. If you hire additional staff, you should ensure that you have the revenue flow to support the additional cost, without impacting your bottom line.We hope that we have not confused or complicated you with the above information. That information is very important to be able to assess and understand. Bookkeepers are ideal solutions to getting all that information sorted out and easily displayed on financial statements.If you are running your business without a Bookkeeper, it is very similar to driving your car with a blindfold on. Bookkeepers can help you understand where you have come from and where you are heading. Having one on your team will really help your business go places.
Tile Installation Prep and Planning

When you are tackling a home improvement project that involves tiles, we recommend you start with floor tiling. Working with tile on a vertical space, such as a kitchen backsplash, can have additional challenges with it. If this is your first attempt at tiling yourself, a floor project might be the best place to start!The information that we are going to discuss apply to all kinds of flooring. That includes bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc. And include the different kind of tiles that you would lay. That being mosaic, stone, ceramic, porcelain, etc.While this information is good to build a foundation of knowledge off of, they are not by any means to represent all steps in prepping a subfloor. Each project may present different obstacles or challenges. But this will give you some guidance and cover off the basics to get you started.Prepare the Subfloor
What do we mean by subfloor? This is basically, the surface that is underneath the finished flooring. It usually is either wood or concrete. Regardless, the one big challenge to installing tiles is the movement of the subfloor or surface being tiled. Wood will react to humidity and changes in temperature with movement. Concrete can react to humidity, moisture, temperature, as well as soil movement. It is really important to prep the subfloor correctly to avoid issues in the future.For wooden subfloors, make sure that you remove all staples and you can hammer down any nail heads or screws. Try to get the subfloor as smooth as possible. Then you can put a cement backer board down to give the tiles a solid foundation. It will keep cracking from occurring due to movement. You will want to mortar down the backer board with tile adhesive. And, using specific screws, you are going to anchor the backer board to the subfloor. Make sure that you tape and mortar any joints and then apply a crack prevention membrane, which also acts as a protection again water penetration.For concrete subfloors, you have to make sure that you remove any old adhesive. Use a floor scraper to get rid of any loose debris. For any cracks, you will have to tackle those depending on the severity of them. Different crack filling products are available at most home hardware stores or home improvement centers. If you have any rough patches, you may need to grind that smooth. A water-resistant membrane can be applied as well, to keep any water from seeping through to the concrete below. Once you have a smooth surface, you can install tiles right on top.Regardless of the type of subfloor, make sure you have all debris cleaned up. The subfloor needs to be as smooth as possible. Sweeping and vacuuming can be effective in collecting all dirt and debris.Onto Planning out Your Tiles
Installing tile for a floor space takes a bit of planning. You have the floor prepped and you are ready to start laying out the tiles. Make sure that you do your planning for fixtures, cabinets, and such. You really don’t want to waste material if you don’t have to.What kind of pattern do you envision for the space? Creativity has given birth to many different designs over the years. You might be looking at herringbone, brick bond or parquet patterns. You should have that pretty much figured out before you purchase tiles. You can easily install a linear pattern with square tiles, end to end. Very basic pattern but still a timeless one.To start the laying of tiles, you want to find the center of the space. That’s where the tile will be most visible. Leave the tile cutting to fit in around cabinets or walls. If you start in the center of the room, you can move outward in all directions, keeping space balanced. And leaving the cut tiles for the outer edges or around obstacles. To do that, just measure the room to find the center and use a chalk line to snap the markings in both directions. This will help you keep the grid layout visible. Then plan your full tiles, moving outward in all directions.Now, we are going to go back and contradict all said about starting at the center of the room! Not to confuse you or trick you! It is just there are times when starting at the center and working outward will not suit your space very well. Starting in the center works well when you have one defined space, such as a square or rectangular room closed off to itself. But this isn’t going to include all rooms in your house. You may have rooms that transition or flow from one room to another. Think of a kitchen that transitions to the dining room. Or a bathroom, that flows off of a hallway. If you leave all your cut edges to the perimeter of the room, you will have cuts at the transition as well! It doesn’t leave a pleasing visual.Instead, we recommend you start at the entrance or transition point. Maybe that’s the opening from dining room to kitchen. Or bathroom to hallway. Where ever one space flows into another. Start your first tile there. You can still use chalk lines to keep your tiles from going off center or help keep them in a straight line. Then just move outward to opposite sides, leaving the cut tiles along those edges of the room.We hope you can now understand the planning that is required before you lay for first tile. Not only is it meant to save you from wasted material, it is also to produce visual appeal and flow throughout your space and home. Taking a dry run at it first, to get a feel for what you have planned, will definitely help get you to the results you are attempting! Or if you want to simply contact a tile installer near you, they would be happy to give you an estimate on the project.
Framework for Future Waste Management

We are now, more than ever, in need of solid waste reduction education and implementation. Our community needs to be focused in on the most environmentally, economic and social focused solutions to maintain our environment within the community that we live in.
Edmonton Junk Removal has been an advocate for The Zero Waste Framework proposed by the City of Edmonton in recent years. They feel that this framework could have a real impact for the future generations, if we take the time now to educate and implement best practices. But, according to them, the time is now to promote these strategies. “It is really exciting to see the framework beginning to take shape now, especially for the future generations that will follow.”
The Zero Waste Framework really brings to light the need to identify, from most preferred and least preferred methods of managing waste in the city of Edmonton.
Here is a run down on those preferred methods, from top to bottom.1. Rethink/Redesign
Manufacturers and distributors are encouraged to look at product and product packaging to promote the use of fully recyclable or compostable materials so that they don’t just end up in the landfill. Consumers are encouraged to purchase items that can be repaired, recycled, or even shared within the communities. Being mindful of the environment, from both the producer and manufacturers, and the consumers.2. Reduce
Consumers can be proactive when purchasing items that have less packaging that will end up being discarded. Using reusable shopping bags at the grocery stores and when shopping overall. Try to go “bagless” when mowing the lawn. It’s actually good for the lawn anyways. Avoid purchasing items that you really don’t need. Think about what you already have and how you can use it instead.3. Reuse
Try to use items fully, to the end of their expected life cycle. If you have items that do have remaining life, donate them or resell them. When you are thinking about replacing items, try looking for pre-owned items. Get creative! You may discover many other uses for an item that never occurred to you before.4. Recycle/Compost
Explore opportunities to turn waste into new products. This can be done by mechanical, chemical, or biological processes. Food waste can be composted to provide a great food source for your gardens and yards.5. Recover
With enough technology developments and progressive research, we can begin to fully identify and recover materials that are found in waste that are not as yet recyclable or compostable. We can focus on ways to turn those materials into environmentally friendly materials or identify ways to recover and reuse.6. Residual Management
Working to fully manage our overcrowded landfills, identifying resources that will expand the capacity and lifecycle of the current ones, and developing new and effective guidelines for new ones in the future.These methods of waste management, from most preferred and downward, are all things that we should be placing first and foremost in mind. Every company, whether environmentally focused or not, has a responsibility to the community they serve. And the constituents of those communities also have a responsibility. Edmonton Junk Removal Service encourages all persons become fully aware of their part in the future of managing waste in the city they call home. Do it for the future generations that will come to call Edmonton home.
Scheduling Asphalt and Weather Impact

You have an asphalt project in the planning. You get in touch with the contractors to do the work. They get you the quote you agree upon and schedule you in for the work. The day of the scheduled work, you get a call from the contractors. They have to postpone the job until the weather is better. This isn’t because they don’t want to work in the rain. They cannot produce results that will meet expectations due to the rain.We get that you can be frustrated. We would be as well. But unfortunately, weather is beyond anyone’s control. And believe us when we say, the contractor is more eager to complete your scheduled work than you are. They most likely have other jobs to get to once yours is completed. But they cannot risk doing a sloppy job. So, sometimes, they do need to be creative and reschedule projects.The first thing an asphalt contractor will do, before rescheduling work, is determine what work is needed. If it is something that is quick enough to complete and not weather restricted, they may go ahead as planned. Maybe the rain isn’t scheduled to arrive in your area until later. Maybe they can get your pothole patching done. Or your crack sealing done.But if it is involving a more intense work effort, complete with crew and equipment, that may be better executed after the imminent weather passes through your area. Sometimes it is just not feasible to start this size of a project in the morning and have to call back all equipment and crew by noon.Some asphalt companies pride themselves in being pretty good at watching and reacting to weather forecasts daily. And they should be monitoring weather patterns! They are really watching for precipitation forecasts, the areas expecting the rain, and the time that the showers are suppose to occur. While not every forecast is spot on, it is a valuable tool that these asphalt companies use. After all, weather can put the best of plans to the side.Why can’t they just plow through the rain! Surely they have weather protective gear! Of course they do. But it isn’t about getting the job done at any cost. It is about getting the job done correctly. And rain and asphalt do not mix. Especially fresh asphalt.Asphalt contains oil. And when the oil and rain mix, it’s not a good outcome. The rain causes the oil to rise to the surface of fresh asphalt. And this causes a lot of issues when it comes to the curing process of the asphalt. The quality of the work diminishes, and no one wants that.We also have to take into consideration the subsoil, on which the asphalt is to be paved. If it is wet from recent rain, this does not create a sturdy, flat surface to pave. The subsoil, when wet will be weaker and shift to the wait of the asphalt on top. Which will lead to cracks and defects. Another thing that you want to avoid as well. The subsoil should be completely dry when paving asphalt on top of it.The paving company should always be concerned about their ability to produce quality results. So, you should trust them when they make the call on whether to proceed or to call off the day’s scheduled jobs. If they show up early in the morning but by early afternoon are sending the crew home, there’s your weather forecast right there.But if you hear that rain is in the forecast and they are still working, don’t be alarmed. They are monitoring weather patterns and radar. Maybe the rain will miss your area. The foreman, who is in touch with the base of operations, will be in the know, if they need to stop or carry on.Now, every asphalt paving company has had to reschedule work due to the weather. And this can get a bit tricky, especially with contract deadlines and schedule conflicts. Every attempt and every resource will be in action, to get all projects back on track. But sometimes the delay can be more than a day or two. It all depends on the weather and we all know that we just don’t have control of that.But a good asphalt paving company will have all lines of communication open with clients and project managers. When an unavoidable delay is expected, that will push the completion date, this needs to be clearly communicated to the client. After all, other services to be completed after the paving will be further pushed as well. Keeping everyone in the know helps to get things back on track quicker.As frustrating as it may be to have asphalt work delayed, remember the name of the game is quality. The outcome has to be quality work. For you, as the client, and for the paving company as their reputation is important to them. Just chalk up any delay as a “rain day”!
Clean your Car like a Professional!

As a vehicle owner, you want to make sure that your vehicle is looking good! Not only because it makes you feel good to have a clean car, but it also protects the investment that you have put into your vehicle. You keep the mechanical maintenance up to date, so that the vehicle keeps running correctly. You also want to protect the condition of the exterior and the interior of that vehicle as well. Car detailing isn’t something that is really complicated. But there are some things that you should be aware of that the professionals already know and do. Here is a bit of information that we hope will be of benefit to vehicle owners.You may remember back in the day, helping your father wash the car on the driveway at home. The both of you would be armed with bucket or hose, bits of towels or sponges, and you would tackle the task together on a sunny afternoon. While the memory is great, we would suggest you change a couple of things if you are building new memories with your own kids.First, you should be using a couple of buckets. One with the soap in it, and the other just plain water. Try to keep the soap bucket from getting contaminated with the dirt, grime, and dust that is coming off your car. The second bucket, of just water, should be used to rinse off contaminants, before dipping into the soapy water.Let’s mention here, that if you are using dish soap to clean your vehicle, you should stop doing that. Professional car detailing does not use this household detergent, as it will cause damage and strip your clear coat finish from your vehicle. There are still a lot of vehicle owners that use dish soap, so we would love to get the word out on this. There are many different brands of car soap available and they range in prices, allowing owners to find one that will fit their budget. Dish soap may already be on hand, but please consider simply purchasing car cleaning product specific to this job.So, what is the deal with microfiber cloths? We will tell you! If you use a towel or sponge for cleaning your vehicle, chances are you are not getting all the contaminants out of the material before plunging it back into the soap bucket. Bits of dirt, sand, and grit can still be caught in the material and this can cause abrasive scratches and such on the surface of your vehicle. Microfiber rinses much cleaner than sponges or even old towels. There are microfiber mitts available almost everywhere car detailing supplies are sold. They are kind of fun to use too!And, is a warm sunny day good for washing your car? Well, sure it is! Except, instead of doing it under direct sunlight, you may want to move your vehicle to a shady spot. A warm vehicle, sitting in the sun, will heat up, both inside and out. The surface you are cleaning should be cooler, so that the water doesn’t rapidly evaporate, leaving behind streaks and soap spots. Besides, being in the shade might make the job even more enjoyable for you too.Some car owners have not yet jumped on the new mobile auto detailing services that are popping up in there city. If you are interested, you can always check out Mobile Auto Detailing in your neck of the woods! It might be something you prefer, having someone do the detailing and really making you love your car!
Epoxy Countertops - DIY Project?

Have you been considering updating your kitchen or bathroom countertops? If so, you may have seen some really impressive results that epoxy coatings can do to countertops. The beauty of this solution is that you can keep the countertops you currently have in place, and apply the epoxy over them. Many homeowners have been aware of the effect that epoxy can give to floors and even walls. This is a very versatile material for many renovation projects.One thing that you need to keep in mind is the speed at which epoxy sets and hardens. So often, if an error occurs, it has to be remedied quickly. And for the average DIY project, this can be a more advanced application. It is best to research first, to fully understand some of the pros and cons that you can encounter with the project.Let’s discuss a few of the pros of epoxy applications.Epoxy can be applied to many different surfaces, such as concrete, wood, metal, ceramic, and even laminate. One benefit is that you don’t necessarily have to remove the current surface. You can apply epoxy over it.Epoxy is also extremely durable. It will resist scratches and stains and is not affected by household cleaners and chemicals.Epoxy adheres to porous surfaces very well and can act as a sealant on material such as concrete. It will actually strengthen the material and protect it from dampness, mold, and rot.Once epoxy has hardened and is set, it becomes heat resistant. Putting a hot pan or pot from a stovetop or oven on the surface will not cause any damage (although, with limited time on the contact surface of the epoxy).Cleaning epoxy is very easy. You can use pretty much any household cleaner or chemical on it. And the glossy, polished look lasts for a very long time, unlike many other kinds of countertops. If it should appear to be getting a bit dull, a light touch of mineral oil to the cleaned surface should restore its lustre.
With these pros mentioned, we will also mention a few of the cons to using epoxy.Epoxy is a resin that consists of several different compounds, that assist in the hardening process. Some of these compounds are volatile organic compounds (VOC). Therefore, for health reasons, it is very critical that, during the application process, there is sufficient ventilation to dissipate these chemicals. And you should try to not use this area for approximately a week, to ensure that there is no risk to health.You must do detailed preparation of the current surface before applying epoxy. The surface must be sanded well, removing any stain that may linger there. This will ensure that the epoxy adheres correctly to the surface. And you will need to cover household items in the home with plastic, due to the VOC that is released during the process. It will take 24 to 48 hours for the epoxy to cure.Epoxy is very unforgiving and is very hard to correct any error that occurs during the application. As a DIY project for someone without experience with epoxy, results may not necessarily turn out the way that you had hoped. You can redo the process but it will become costly.The entire process of applying epoxy can become very messy. The resin reacts a certain way and drops over the counter edge can occur. Air bubbles can get trapped, causing for an uneven application. Quite often frustration and dissatisfaction can occur while attempting this as a DIY project.We would recommend that anyone looking to attempt epoxy coating as a DIY project, do full research on the method of application. If you are in doubt, reach out to a company that does Epoxy flooring in Edmonton and other applications. It may be more cost efficient to have a professional handle this project, while you choose a different DIY project around the house.
Paint Like a Professional!

One of the most common DIY projects that a home owner will take on themselves is painting interior walls. Easy project, right? Well, the basics of interior painting may sound pretty straight forward, getting the finished product just the way you want it may not be. For professional painters, who make this task their trade, there is a lot more that goes into getting the job done right. They have secrets to their trade and we are going to let you in on a few of them.Let’s begin with the paint brush. You might not want to just grab the brush, plunge it down into the paint can and then spread it around randomly. Believe it or not, there is a professional technic to loading the brush, applying the paint, and then smoothing out the paint on the surface.To load the paint onto the brush, you want to just dip the paint brush into the paint to about a third of the bristles. Don’t completely dip it in. You will end up with too much paint on the brush. Just dip it in to about a third. Then, gently push each side of the brush against the inside of the can, so that the paint on the brush is distributed to the middle of the bristles. An error that a lot of DIY painters do is scrape the brush off against the top of the can or rim. What you end up doing is removing the paint, compacting the bristles against one another, and causing the brush to become less effective when you apply the paint to the surface.OK, now that the brush is loaded correctly, you are ready to cut in the wall or surface. By cutting in, we simply mean the painting of the perimeter of the wall. For a large surface, you will most likely want to use a roller to fill in the space. But the roller will be ineffective when it comes to covering the outer edges of the wall. So always cut in the wall first.Starting at the ceiling edge, begin in the corner that is opposite the hand you normally use. For instance, if you are right-handed, you start in the left corner. By doing this, you will be able to see the applied brush strokes more easily as you paint. Use the edge of the brush and gentle pressure to apply the paint in a straight line. Overlap the next stroke slightly, so as to create an even application. Next, you will then go diagonally down the corners where walls may meet. If you are using multiple colors on each wall, you may want to cut in the darker color first, and then cut in the lighter color. Just to keep the darker color from bleeding through under the lighter one.Now, for the interior area. You can either fill this in by using a paint brush or a roller. Using a roller may be a bit quicker to apply the paint, but using a paint brush can give you great control, especially if you are wanting to create a textured finish. Just remember to apply the paint on the brush horizontally, and smoothly, with a gentle stroke. If you are using a roller, you will want to pour paint into a roller pan. Gently roll the roller pad into the paint, to cover the entire surface of the roller. Then, using a “W” pattern, roll downward, then upward – slightly overlapping the first downward stroke, and then downward again. Continue until the area has been filled in.Now, to smooth out the paint. This is the step that professional painters will take to really create a great finished project. With a freshly loaded brush, stroke lightly right across the entire wall, from one edge to the other. Use a horizontal stroke and when you reach the other edge, lift the brush completely off the surface. This will correct any brush strokes showing on the paint, from different directions. Just make sure that you are covering wet paint, so as not to leave any visible lap marks.The end result should be a clean, smoothly painted wall.
Interested in learning more? Check out these pro painting tips!
When to wash your windows

Being a resident of Edmonton Alberta, we all know the seasonal changes that we experience here. And each season change can leave your windows pretty dirty! So when is the best time to have your windows cleaned? We have asked this question of Edmonton’s best Window Washing Service. And we would like to share a bit of their insight into this.Capt Clean Window Cleaning and More often receive this question from their clients. Each individual situation is unique. Home owners may have different needs than business owners, for example. Businesses may opt for more frequent window cleanings than a home owner will. Keeping the business looking fresh and clean is important to business owners. But that isn’t to say that residential owners don’t feel the need to keep their property clean and fresh as well.Each client has different needs and wants. Location will also have an impact for both types of window cleaning clients. Rural areas, such as farms and acreages will have different needs than urban areas. Or living or working near highways and busy road ways may result in more frequent cleaning. It really depends on a few of these factors as to how frequent your window cleaning requirements will be.Seasonal Change
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Each season brings with it changes in weather conditions in Edmonton, Alberta. We are no stranger to those changes!Winter brings all the lovely snow that covers up fall’s leaves, dirt, and grit. When you throw in the gusting winds that can accompany our winters, you can reasonably understand your windows will collect a lot of it.Once spring arrives, you can see the effect of the winter remaining on your windows. And let’s not forget winds in the springtime. After the snow is finally gone, all the dirt and grime that was buried under the snow is exposed and the winds will deposit a lot of it on your windows.Then we move into summer. Warmer weather and sunshine! Clean windows in the summer let in the lovely sunshine into your home. Except when we start experiencing the rain storms that can come our way. The rain on your windows can leave them with residue picked up in the storm.And then we arrive at fall or autumn. The leaves on the trees start to turn colors and it is a really beautiful season. But we know how it ends. All of the dead leaves end up on the ground, giving us a layer of crunch under our feet. We work hard to clean up the fallen leaves but not all of the bits and grime get collected. They will be picked up and blown around, landing on our windows and sills. And then the snow arrives and temporarily covers what is left until springtime.So, you can see that each season brings with it dirt and grime that can collect on your windows. Capt Clean Window Cleaning and More advises us that many of their clients will schedule window cleaning for the spring and fall. But others schedule for summer or winter as well. It really depends on the exposure to the elements each season and the location of the building or residence. And the home owners or business owner’s preferences.Weddings, Parties, and Special EventsSome folks have a special event or occasion planned at their location. That can be a wedding, party, or a grand opening of a business. Having window cleaning done may be part of the final preparations, just as important as the decorating and catering. It is a special event being held so attention to the windows could be important to those folks. Capt Clean Window Cleaning and More has ensured that the windows are clean and spotless, so that your guests can admire the preparation that went into the overall event.Construction and LandscapingNothing can stir up dirt and dust like construction! If you are living near a construction site or you are doing some construction on your site, you will undoubtedly collect some of that debris on your windows. This includes landscaping as well. Small traces of freshly laid top soil can make it’s way to your windows and cling to them. Often people will choose to have their windows cleaned by a professional after the construction or landscaping is completed. Just as a final clean up measure.Acreages and FarmingPeople who live outside of the urban centre of Edmonton Alberta will often opt for semi-annual window washing, says Capt Clean Window Cleaning and More. They have a lot more open space and less obstruction for dust and dirt to travel when airborne. The wind and rain can pick up a lot more debris, which ends up on your property. Many of their rural clients will opt to have seasonal window cleaning done by a professional in the spring and again in the fall.BusinessesSome local businesses want to have their windows cleaned on a monthly basis. They operate with a showcase display window on the exterior of their business location. It is important to them that these windows are cleaned more frequently. This is because they want to display their goods or services clearly to visitors on the exterior of their location. Capt Clean Window Cleaning and More will provide them a monthly contract for their window cleaning services.We hope we have displayed that window cleaning is a year-round maintenance item. And is dependent on the homeowner or business owner on how frequently they want their windows cleaned. Capt Clean Window Cleaning and more provides packages for those who wish to have their windows cleaned more frequently than once a year. They also offer power washing for exterior surfaces as well. You can book your professional window cleaning service directly with them on their website. And they serve all of Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St Albert, and Fort Saskatchewan.Want more interesting tips on keeping your windows clean? Check out more window cleaning articles here.
Bed Bug Clues

Nobody really wants to discuss or read about bed bugs. Am I right? Unless you are struggling with the possibility of having them as unwanted guests in your space. Even the pictures of what they look like can give someone the itch and panic. But whether you are squeamish about bed bugs or not, you need to take heed when spring and summer arrive each year. They can invade your cozy space with very little to indicate they are there. Until they are in a big way.But after chatting with Edmonton Bed Bug exterminators, Professional Pest Management, we were able to pick up some great bits of information that we would be happy to pass onto you, our readers. That is if you are comfortable reading on. We hope you are. So let’s get down to it and show you what we learned!When you are concerned about possible bed bugs, trying to actually spot them can be a challenge. They are very small and can hide themselves well from the human eye. If you actually know what you are looking for, in terms of a description, you might be better prepared to avoid confusing them with other types of bugs. They are ovular in shape, with visible legs. And they are reddish in colour after they have fed on blood. After they have fed, they tend to be engorged and will be easier to spot at that time. But they will still be very elusive.Bed bugs will leave a few clues behind them that are much more easier to notice. Which is a good thing!The first clue that is usually the sign to start looking for bed bugs is bites. If you or others in your home are discovering new ichy bites, you may have discovered some bed bugs. You might notice the bites in a straight line or zig zag patter on uncovered skin. And they are small, red and itchy. But don’t use these bites as a positive confirmation that they are from bed bugs. They may be but they may also be from other kinds of insects or even certain skin conditions. Take this as a sign that you might have to look for other possible clues.The second clue could very well be small traces of blood left on your bed sheets or pillow cases. Not bright red but more of a rust color, and they will be small in size. You may spot these little droplets anywhere on your bedding and wonder what could cause them. Well, this could be a clue of the existence of bed bugs, unfortunately.Thirdly, you might be able to identify an issue if you are noticing an odor. Yes, bed bugs do give off an odor! It has been described as a kind of musky odor, similar to maybe a damp towel. When you combine the existence of this type of odor with other related signs, that’s a pretty strong indication for bed bugs.And, lastly, the eggs left by bed bugs are visible to the human eye. Small, but visible. They are an off-white color and are usually spotted in crevasses, seams, or cracks. Check around buttons, mattress edging, bedframe and even the boxspring.If you have investigated some of these clues mentioned above and have checked off a couple of them, what is your next step? You will need to get a professional to take a look as well. Professional Pest Management specialists are trained in assessing any infestations correctly. And that is your next step.Trying to treat any bed bug situation on your own is probably not your best option. Let the bed bug pest control experts bring in the correct treatment solutions for long lasting results. Ask them about any of your environmental concerns, as they will provide you information about any chemicals or solutions planned so as to put your mind to rest. There are many eco-friendly solutions available, which are just as effective! Professional Pest Management can provide those for you.And just remember, that you are never alone, when it comes to dealing with this kind of situation. Courteous, confidential, and caring support is just a phone call away!
What is Lip Blush Tattooing?

Facial Cosmetic Tattooing is becoming a popular cosmetic treatment for many individuals. There are different applications that apply to different facial features. Lip Tattooing or Lip Blush Tattooing is beginning to gain ground amongst the cosmetic tattooing industry.What is Lip Blush Tattooing? First off, it is a facial tattooing procedure. It is designed to be a replacement for the need to wear lipstick. Lipstick wearers will tell you getting good product, with the right shade, can be costly. They also recognize that lipstick needs to be reapplied throughout the day. This is because it isn’t designed to last. A lot of lipstick wearers might not realize it but they are constantly consuming lipstick orally and the chemicals that are found in it. You may be surprised to know that the average lipstick wearer can consume up to 9 pounds of lipstick a year! Most of these chemicals are deemed to be harmless but there are some which have no tests to prove there is no long term effect for you. This can be a concern.With Lip Blush Tattooing, a technician will apply color to your lips using a thin needle. The color pigment is inserted just below the skin. Very similar to regular tattooing. The technician will apply a numbing cream to your lips. This will reduce the feeling of the needling. Many people experience no pain or very small level of discomfort during the procedure. This depends on individual sensitivity levels. But the technician will attempt to make sure you are as comfortable as possible during the procedure, which can last a couple of hours.Lip Blush Tattooing will help even out any color and appearance. Sometimes we have different pigment shades on our natural lips. This will be no issue after the cosmetic tattooing. The technician will assure you have even color afterwards. The results will make your lips appear fuller, darker, and with more definition.This is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure, you will have long term benefits, lasting 2 – 3 years on average. The benefit of having Lip Blush Tattooing done is that you will save money in the long term, save time not needing to constantly reapply lipstick, and have no stains from lipstick on fabrics or teeth. You can easily apply a glamour touch by simply using clear lip gloss as wanted.Healing after a lip tattooing procedure is relatively quick. Your lips will heal in 2 weeks. Initially, you will have some swelling around the area and your lips may feel itchy. The color may appear darker initially for the first month. The color will lighten to match the color applied. You will want to do a follow up after the first month for any adjustments.Facial cosmetic tattooing procedures should only be performed by technicians who are trained to perform these procedures. Technicians have a medical responsibility to provide these treatments in a clean, sterile environment. They are dedicated to ensuring no infection can hinder your results.You can find studios in your area that offer cosmetic tattooing, such as Studio Vanassa. Always use a professional for any of your facial tattooing needs.
Chiropractor got your back

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to healthcare. Its primary focus is on diagnosing, treating, and preventing mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This includes the bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissue that comprise the human body.The primary goal of chiropractic care is to help people maintain a healthy and active lifestyle by improving the function of their musculoskeletal system.The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care
Whether you are suffering from chronic pain, a chronic condition, or an injury, a chiropractor in Edmonton is available to help improve your overall quality of life that is free of back, neck, or joint pain.Listed below are 5 benefits of a chiropractor in Edmonton1. Chiropractic Care Offers Pain Relief
A significant benefit of chiropractic care is its ability to relieve pain. Many people turn to chiropractors in Edmonton when they suffer from chronic back pain, neck pain, migraines, or other musculoskeletal pain.Chiropractors use various techniques, including spinal adjustments, to help alleviate pain and improve the function of the affected area.Spinal adjustments, for example, are sometimes used to treat tension headaches or migraines. Headaches like these are debilitating for many patients. However, a visit to an Edmonton chiropractor may provide pain relief and enable the patient to carry on with their daily activities.2. It Improves The Range Of Motion In Joints
As we age, our joints can become stiff and lose their flexibility. This can lead to decreased mobility and an increased risk of falls. Chiropractic care is beneficial for improving the range of motion in the joints.Chiropractors in Edmonton can use various techniques to help improve joint mobility, including spinal adjustments, stretching exercises, and soft tissue mobilization.3. Chiropractic Care Offers Relief From Chronic Conditions
For people who suffer from chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, chiropractic care is also essential. These conditions result in chronic pain and inflammation in the joints, making it difficult for people to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.A chiropractor in Edmonton can work with people who suffer from these conditions to help manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.4. It Improves The Overall Function Of The Nervous System
Chiropractic care is also an effective way to improve overall wellness. Regular chiropractic adjustments help improve the correct functioning of the nervous system, which in turn can improve the body's overall function.The benefits of an improved nervous system are improved energy levels, better sleep, and a stronger immune system. A chiropractor in Edmonton is also available to correct a patient's posture and reduce muscle stress.5. Chiropractic Care Assists With Recovery From Injuries
Another significant benefit of chiropractic care is its ability to help people recover from minor neck and spinal injuries like whiplash.Whether you have suffered a sports injury, a work injury, or a motor vehicle accident, chiropractors in Edmonton can help you recover by providing the necessary treatment to help you return to your normal activities.Conclusion
Finally, chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to help people maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain, a chronic condition, or an injury, chiropractors in Edmonton can help improve your overall wellness and quality of life.If you are looking for a natural, holistic approach to healthcare, consider visiting a chiropractor in Edmonton today.Interested in learning more? Read these interesting articles on spinal care.